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Creating an antidote to our own anxiety.

Dreading the day - that moment when bed is preferable and the thought of dealing with stuff is… just… so…. UGH!

When we get to that moment of dread it’s a red flag.

  1. Either you actually aren’t sleeping enough OR

  2. Anxiety wants you to be her b&*ch.

Anxiety - like the devil is a liar. Let’s take her down a notch by separating anxiety and fear.

Fear is a normal response to an immediate threat. Anxiety is a perceived threat. The big clue is the what if’s…. “What if it goes bad?” “What if I’m rejected?” “What if I can never get my sh*t together?” and then it circles and increases in intensity like a few sentences of a bad song. And that’s the thing, we’re repeating only one part of the song and we’re missing the incredible hook - our ability to handle it.

Let’s break it down even further. I’ll take 3 root anxiety type thoughts and we are going to fight them with a killer strategy

  1. Accessing our tools to see how we can deal with the thought

  2. Fight back ask - is this thought true? & Question our assumptions about it

  3. Counterbalance it with other equal truths

“what if it goes bad?” ok, what if it does? What are the tools and resources available to you to recover, take the next step, and move on. Are there specific ways we can make it better? People or information we can call on to help? If all that fails... What will you discover about yourself and the situation even if it doesn’t go well?

“What if I’m rejected” Yep, that one stings. Here’s the thing, it’s just information. That ONE job, or person may indeed reject you. That’s a reflection on them - They’re not into it, it doesn’t serve them. That’s not on you to fix that! “But I’m unloveable/unwanted and I’ll never….” If you find yourself on this train of thought. Pause and ask “is this true?” Then remind yourself that their rejection is about their wants - It is not a reflection on who you are and it certainly doesn’t affect your value!

“What if I can never get my sh*t together?” - BTW this one is perfectionism in disguise. The other too anxious thoughts here we assessed our ability and resources to handle them. With this one let’s counterbalance it. Things are hard right now, what’s in my control to take one step today to go in the direction I want.

Follow, heart and comment for other tips and strategies! ….AND if you are ready to take a step in controlling your anxiety book a call with the link in my bio or let’s chat in the DMs and we can explore exactly what that would look like. Imagine how much freer, happier, and more productive you would feel without all this weighing you down!!!!

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